*Additional Description: Cushion-throat wire twisters feature a polyurethane filler that is bonded into the tool’s cutter head to help prevent flying wire bits. A special undercut design helps maintain cutting edges and increases tool durability. Ideal for assembly line applications.
*Description Reversible Wire Twister. Perform right and left hand twist with the same tool. Spring return and control knob. TigerWave Jaw captures and holds wire firmly. Overall Length, inches:8 1/2 Wire Capacity, inches:.041
SNAP-ON 新品未使用
「TIGER WAVE」 ジョーを採用しワイヤーをしっかりつかんで保持。
*Additional Description:
Cushion-throat wire twisters feature a polyurethane filler that is bonded into the tool’s
cutter head to help prevent flying wire bits. A special undercut design helps maintain
cutting edges and increases tool durability. Ideal for assembly line applications.
Reversible Wire Twister. Perform right and left hand twist with the same tool.
Spring return and control knob. TigerWave Jaw captures and holds wire firmly.
Overall Length, inches:8 1/2
Wire Capacity, inches:.041
◇HAND TOOLS – プライヤー(ワイヤーツイスター)関連 -◇
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